Contact Information

MIT Department of Chemistry
Room 6-230
Cambridge, MA 02139 email: welborn

Year joined: 2011


2011BS in ChemistryUniversity of Texas at AustinAdvisor: Graeme Henkelman

Research Interests

Random Matrix Theory

Random Matrix Theory (RMT) has recently found numerous applications in signal processing, finance, and bioinformatics. We are applying the tools of RMT to the study of disordered solids, with a particular emphasis on disordered organic photovoltaics. We are approaching this problem both top-down and bottom-up. On one end, we are performing direct QM/MM simulations of organic materials and trying to map the data onto RMT methods. On the other end, we are attacking simple models of disordered systems semi-analytically with tools from RMT.


I'm working on a reweighting method to improve the convergence of averages that use configurations generated by MM methods. In addition, I'm trying to improve the nested Monte Carlo scheme in order to make it competitive with direct QM/MM.

Density Matrix Embedding Theory

Page last modified on September 03, 2014, at 03:02 PM